People often say what they expect, or do not expect when “Death comes for them”.
I like to view this in an entirely different way. We are heading towards death. It is the invisible barrier that we will one day encounter on our trip through spacetime. We are like the skydivers that have switched to the flying squirrel suits. We are plummeting at near-terminal velocity with the illusion of control.
We can modify our pathway along the course of gravity, but ultimately that great attraction still wins. There are no parachutes on this ride. You do not get to safely land and try it all again. (Unless reincarnation is true, I suppose…) You meet the filter at terminal velocity and the electricity that runs the sub 60-watt bulb in your skull flickers out. The signals to and from your amygdala and vagus nerve stop and your coprocessors wind down.
Then the mass of symbionts that have been travelling with you start the process of breaking down your meat suit for further processing.
But you – your energy has ether moved on to a dimension we are unable to perceive within this flesh, or reaches a resting ground state.
Death does not come for you. It quietly waits for you to arrive.
Will you be on fire when you hit, or just another cold breeze coming through the door?