
I want.
An empty, hollow with no ties to reality
setting its claws in me

It disguises as need

it knows when that has failed

it wants

the echo not decaying
just reverberating
I want
becoming obsession

lying to me that I need

I want


the hollow one needing me to consume in it’s name

forever empty
forever in me
it feeds on misery

If there is happiness it is not
if there is growth it is rot
it triggers on the absence of it

it needs it
it is the ever present drive
of want

it gets in your head
it drives false need
it leaves you hungry
when it makes you feed

consume for want

It wants to be bigger
It wants to be small
It wants the shiny things
It wants it all

it wants nothing
so it can be filled again
it is empty
so the want can begin

I want





Don’t do drugs kids…

This guy is experiencing some issues, and now we have to do a bit of cleanup. Might as well get some entertainment out of it. Gonna turn this into a hard-beat industrial techno video.

Let me know if you want the source for your own entertainment.

Junk Drawer

Junk Drawer

Digging through the junk drawer

finding shit I knew was lost

A bic lighter

random keys

to locks that have lost their relevance.

The noise on the peripheral persists

so I dig through another container

a t-shirt I do not recall

a sock with a skull

a 3D printed polygonal cat

But there are no spoons

Each container full but empty

and the clatter at the periphery persists

a dull roar from outside

reminding me that reality still exists

Earplug container, only one side

mints of a dubious flavor

keep digging

the hell of it all is I need to go out there

Where are the fucking spoons?

I find sufficient noise in the rectangle

no wires, just cacophony

the silverware will have to wait for later

reality awaits

two shoes

two socks

underwear and pants

torso covered by something hanging

at least I have a knife.

slip on the shades.


Flame seeker
last flight to fuck off and die
head toward the light

Burning self internally
No input
just setting out



perpetuating the cycle
the worm never knows
dissolving the old self
crawl out to dry
crawl out to fuck off and die
