At Practice with Indogen

Got new hangers up at the practice pad and I will not go back to the floor rack. Saves so much space during practice. (Also a decent view of the foot controller and the foot keyboard I use for controlling effects and playing keyboard parts with my feet)

Techniques in bass are advancing every time that I practice with my band, Indogen.

Improving should be the goal of all practicing musicians… and enjoying your art.


Adding links to friends, bands, resources, and shit I like over in the LINKS! page. (See the main menu, not gonna double link…)

Kinda going old school and slowly removing all but the minimum from most social media. Twitch and Youtube are gonna get most of my traffic until I can get a streaming resource on this page that works reliably.

Keep an eye open

Pick ME!

New Picks!

My buddy Matt suggested I order some custom picks from Inteune GP. So decided to get some personalized first. These are nice and stiff, feel good in the hand, and look great with the print. Pondering getting some made for my band Indogen as well.

Yes, I use a pick on bass. It is no longer a controversial thing. When the song requires that tone, I use a pick. Simple as that.